Results for 'Oliver O'Donovan’S. Divergent'

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  1. There Are No Just Wars.David Rodin & Oliver O'Donovan’S. Divergent - 2008 - Ars Disputandi 8:1566-5399.
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  2. There Are No Just Wars: David Rodin and Oliver O’Donovan’s Divergent Critiques of a Tradition.David Hoekema - 2008 - Ars Disputandi 8.
    Two recent monographs re-examine the central elements of the just war tradition and its contemporary applications. David Rodin’s War and Self-Defense analyzes, and rejects, the common doctrine that just war is an instance of national self-defense, in parallel with the right of individuals to protect themselves against violent attack. This derivation fails, and it cannot justify resort to war. In contrast, Oliver O’Donovan’s The Just War Revisited dismisses the notion that there are rules for just war and calls instead (...)
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    Entering into rest.Oliver O’Donovan - 2017 - Grand Rapids, Michigan: William B. Eerdmans Publishing Company.
    Oliver O'Donovan's Ethics as Theology project began withSelf, World, and Time, an "induction" into Christian ethics as ordered reflection on moral thinking within the life of faith. Volume 2, Finding and Seeking, shifted the focus to the movement of moral thought from a first consciousness of agency to the time that determines the moment of decision. In this third and final volume of his magnum opus, O'Donovan turns his attention to the forward horizon with which moral thinking must engage. (...)
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  4. The language of rights and conceptual history.Oliver O'Donovan - 2009 - Journal of Religious Ethics 37 (2):193-207.
    The historical problem about the origins of the language of rights derives its importance from the conceptual problem: of "two fundamentally different ways of thinking about justice," which is basic? Is justice unitary or plural? This in turn opens up a problem about the moral status of human nature. A narrative of the origins of "rights" is an account of how and when a plural concept of justice comes to the fore, and will be based on the occurrence of definite (...)
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    Self, world, and time.Oliver O'Donovan - 2013 - Grand Rapids, Michican: William B. Eerdmans Publishing Company.
    Self, World, and Time takes up the question of the form and matter of Christian ethics as an intellectual discipline. What is it about? How does Christian ethics relate to the humanities, especially philosophy, theology, and behavioral studies? How does its shape correspond to the shape of practical reason? In what way does it participate in the proclamation of the gospel of Jesus Christ? Oliver O'Donovan discusses ethics with self, world, and time as foundation poles of moral reasoning, and (...)
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    The Object of Theological Ethics.Oliver O'Donovan - 2007 - Studies in Christian Ethics 20 (2):203-214.
    The object of Theological Ethics as presented by Hans Ulrich is immediately the content of the experience of God; reflectively it is God himself turned towards us; doubly reflected on, it is the inversion of our understanding of the good or conversion. The concept of an object may be traced to the discussion of the sciences from Schleiermacher to Barth. Three questions are put to it: (i) Does it assimilate the study too much to descriptive reason, as opposed to practical (...)
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    Augustine’s Treatment of the Great Psalm.Oliver O’Donovan - 2022 - Augustinian Studies 53 (2):131-152.
    An ancient Hebrew poem of uncertain background and fastidiously subtle formal technique is made the subject of a commentary by a fifth-century Latin bishop with no Hebrew, working with a poor Latin translation, who, moreover, dismisses the formal complexities of the composition as irrelevant to interpretation. Claiming to detect hidden depths beneath the Great Psalm’s limpid surface, Augustine uses it as an opportunity to revisit some of the favorite themes of his own later writing. Has he read the text with (...)
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    Prayer and Morality in the Sermon on the Mount.Oliver O'Donovan - 2009 - Studies in Christian Ethics 22 (1):21-33.
    The Lord's Prayer is at the centre of the Sermon on the Mount in a section on restraint in religious performance. The flanking sections treat of the opposition of lower and higher law, and of simplicity of agency, themes reflected in the central section in the opposition of public and secret. The Lord's Prayer inducts the worshipper into the elementary relations of the universe: the Father, the source of intelligible governance of the universe; the community of human beings created to (...)
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  9. Augustine's City of God XIX and Western Political Thought.Oliver O'donovan - 1987 - Dionysius 11:89-110.
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    Pride’s Progress.Oliver O’Donovan - 2015 - Studies in Christian Ethics 28 (1):59-69.
    Sin has infinite variety, but is also a unified phenomenon. As a way of displaying both these aspects, the vice-lists of the New Testament explore patterns by which sin unfolds in a sequence of diverse but connected forms. The eschatological vice-list of 2 Timothy 3 treats this as an unfolding of the sin of pride from an immanent form (love of self) to a socially concrete one (love of pleasure). Exploring this train of thought in further detail, we find room (...)
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    Between Justice and Tradition: Oliver O’Donovan’s Political Theory and the Challenge of Multiculturalism.Andrew Ross Errington - 2014 - Studies in Christian Ethics 27 (4):417-430.
    This article brings the theological political theory of Oliver O’Donovan to bear on the issue of multiculturalism. O’Donovan’s work provides resources for understanding the dynamics involved in debates over multiculturalism more deeply, and this discussion in turn highlights the central features of O’Donovan’s political theory. O’Donovan’s understanding of government as involving a necessary tension between the requirements of justice and the possibilities afforded by a community’s tradition allows us to properly appreciate the challenge raised by the demand to recognise (...)
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    Oliver O’Donovan’s Moral Theology: Tensions and Triumphs .Samuel Tranter - 2020 - New York: T&T Clark.
    This book offers the first sustained, full-length treatment of the wide-ranging work of major Anglican theologian Oliver O'Donovan. Analysing key texts written across forty years, including Resurrection and Moral Order, The Desire of the Nations, and Ethics as Theology, Samuel Tranter focuses in particular on what he argues is an area of real tension in O'Donovan's evolving vision of moral theology: the relationship between eschatology and ethics. This tension is traced as it plays out with regard to a number (...)
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    Scripture's Authorisation of Concepts in Oliver O’Donovan's Ethics and Theology.Euntaek David Shin - 2024 - Studies in Christian Ethics 37 (2):327-343.
    A key aspect of Oliver O’Donovan's approach to ethics and theology is the notion of Scripture's ‘authorisation’ of concepts. Authorisation is an organic process of concepts and Scripture illuminating each other, where Scripture has ultimate authority over concepts. That is, while concepts from various disciplines can illuminate biblical texts, the biblical texts in return shape those concepts. Here concepts are formed organically guided by the Spirit. Such a notion of authorisation lies dormant in O’Donovan's earlier political theology, The Desire (...)
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    Towards a Christian Ontology of Political Authority: The Relationship between Created Order and Providence in Oliver O’Donovan’s Theology of Political Authority.Jonathan Cole - 2019 - Studies in Christian Ethics 32 (3):307-325.
    This article argues that the formally similar conceptions of political authority provided in Oliver O’Donovan’s Resurrection and Moral Order and The Desire of the Nations appear to assume different ontologies of political authority. The former account conceives political authority as a special use of natural authorities found in the created order, where ‘authority’ is defined as what it is that evokes free and intelligible human action. The latter account, however, appears to attribute the existence of political authority exclusively to (...)
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    Oliver O’Donovan’s Moral Theology: Tensions and Triumphs . [REVIEW]Hans G. Ulrich - 2020 - Studies in Christian Ethics 35 (2):421-425.
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    Triadic Differences and Theological Coherence: Oliver O’Donovan's Reflections on Friendship as a Locus for Comparing Resurrection and Moral Order and Ethics as Theology.Aden Cotterill - 2023 - Studies in Christian Ethics 36 (3):457-474.
    This article leverages the theme of friendship in Oliver O’Donovan's Entering into Rest as a locus of comparison between his earlier Resurrection and Moral Order and the Ethics as Theology trilogy. It does so by using demonstrable methodological differences between the two moral-theological projects to illumine a fundamental theological coherence. The article pursues this task in five sections. The first expounds O’Donovan's reflection on friendship in Entering into Rest. The second articulates the triadic approach adopted in these reflections. The (...)
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  17. Remaining in Babylon: Oliver O'Donovan's Defense of Christendom.Stanley Hauerwas & James Fodor - 1998 - Studies in Christian Ethics 11 (2):30-55.
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    To Judge or Not to Judge: Engaging with Oliver O’Donovan’s Political Ethics.Guido de Graaff - 2012 - Studies in Christian Ethics 25 (3):295-311.
    This article addresses the apparent tension in O’Donovan’s overall argument in The Ways of Judgment (2005): a tension between his constructive account of judgement (central to Parts I and II), and his endorsement of Jesus’ injunction not to judge (central to Part III). After clarifying exactly what kind of judgement O’Donovan intends in identifying judgement as the core political practice, the article highlights a few key aspects of O’Donovan’s political theology that might mitigate, or even take away, the tension in (...)
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  19. The Right Reason for Caesar to Confess Christ as Lord: Oliver O’Donovan and Arguments for the Christian State.David McIlroy - 2010 - Studies in Christian Ethics 23 (3):300-315.
    The ostensible arguments advanced by Oliver O’Donovan for a confessionally Christian constitutional order are not persuasive, even in the terms of his own scheme, because they presuppose that such a confession may be required as a representative act. Within his theory lies, however, the assumption that confessing Christ is fundamental to all right decision-making, including the political. This renders the confession of Christ not merely a possibility for legitimate governments but rather essential to just political judgments. If O’Donovan’s ostensible (...)
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    Authority and Reality in the Work of Oliver O’Donovan.Andrew Errington - 2016 - Studies in Christian Ethics 29 (4):371-385.
    Running throughout the work of Oliver O’Donovan is a discussion of the nature of authority, and its relation to reality, and to freedom. While holding fast to the maxim that authority is the correlate of freedom, O’Donovan’s understanding of authority moves, as a result of his engagement with the nature of political authority, to emphasise the idea of social mediation. This leads, in the most recent works, to a description of authority as an event in which reality is disclosed. (...)
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    From Dialectics to Theo-Logic: The Ethics of War from Paul Ramsey to Oliver O’Donovan.Therese Feiler - 2015 - Studies in Christian Ethics 28 (3):343-359.
    This article studies the fundamental shift between Paul Ramsey’s and Oliver O’Donovan’s ethics of war and so reintroduces Hegel into the debate on political ethics. The topic is approached through the notion of divine-human and political mediation, whereby Hegel’s early movement from Christology to dialectics provides the analytical framework. The article first studies the theo-logic of Paul Ramsey’s early agapist notions of war up to his transformist period. It then traces how O’Donovan fundamentally transforms Ramsey’s dialectical framework within that (...)
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    Book Review: The Reign of God: A Critical Engagement with Oliver O’Donovan’s Theology of Political Authority by Jonathan Cole. [REVIEW]Jeff Morgan - 2024 - Studies in Christian Ethics 37 (3):724-728.
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    Love and Christian Ethics: Tradition, Theory, and Society eds. by Frederick V. Simmons and Brian C. Sorrels.Michael Le Chevallier - 2018 - Journal of the Society of Christian Ethics 38 (2):210-211.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reviewed by:Love and Christian Ethics: Tradition, Theory, and Society eds. by Frederick V. Simmons and Brian C. SorrelsMichael Le ChevallierLove and Christian Ethics: Tradition, Theory, and Society Edited by Frederick V. Simmons and Brian C. Sorrels WASHINGTON, DC: GEORGETOWN UNIVERSITY PRESS, 2016. 400 pp. $119.00 / $39.95Fredrick Simmons and Brian Sorrels present an impressive, cohesive volume of essays by twenty-two leading scholars who engage different facets of love and (...)
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    Resurrection and moral order: an outline for evangelical ethics.Oliver O'Donovan - 1986 - Grand Rapids, Mich.: Eerdmans.
    In this revision of a seminal work, O'Donovan describes the shape of a Christian moral theology which has wide implications for creation, history, knowledge, freedom, and authority--his purpose being to outline a system of theological ethics and to describe the nature of the moral response within redeemed creation: acts of surrender, obedience, and love.
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  25. The disappearance of ethics: the 2021 St. Andrews Gifford lectures.Oliver O'Donovan - 2024 - Grand Rapids, Michigan: William B. Eerdmans Publishing Company.
    The 2021 Gifford Lectures by Oliver O'Donovan evaluate the state of ethics as a discipline and its relationship to theology.
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  26. The Just War Revisited.Oliver O'Donovan - 2003 - Cambridge University Press.
    Leading political theologian Oliver O'Donovan here takes a fresh look at some traditional moral arguments about war. Modern Christians differ widely on this issue. A few hold that absolute pacifism is the only viable Christian position, others subscribe in various ways to concepts of 'just war' developed out of a Western tradition that arose from the legacies of Augustine and Aquinas, while others still adopt more pragmatically realist postures. Professor O'Donovan re-examines questions of contemporary urgency including the use of (...)
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  27. Finding and seeking.Oliver O'Donovan - 2014 - Grand Rapids, Michigan: William B. Eerdmans Publishing Company.
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    The Future of Theological Ethics.Oliver O’Donovan - 2012 - Studies in Christian Ethics 25 (2):186-198.
    Ethics is distinguished as a field of study within the realm of organised knowledge which interprets moral experience. Christian ethics assumes this interpretation into the hermeneutic framework of Christian theology in relation to a hope for the renewal and recovery of human agency. Its theme is moral thinking in general, which it understands within the framework of faith. It is dependent on philosophical ethics, but presumes and aims at more. The concepts handled by theological ethics include analytic categories coined to (...)
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    Law, moderation and forgiveness.Oliver O'donovan - 2001 - Gregorianum 82 (4):625-636.
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  30. The natural ethic.Oliver O'Donovan - 1983 - In David F. Wright, Essays in evangelical social ethics. Wilton, Conn.: Morehouse-Barlow Co..
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  31. The Reasonable Man: An Appreciation.Oliver O'Donovan - 1987 - In Basil Mitchell, William J. Abraham & Steven W. Holtzer, The rationality of religious belief: essays in honour of Basil Mitchell. New York: Oxford University Press. pp. 1--15.
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  32. From Irenaeus to Grotius: A Sourcebook in Christian Political Thought, by Oliver O'Donovan and Joan Lockwood O'Donovan (eds). Grand Rapids, Mich.: Eerdmans, 1999. 838 pp. hb. No price. ISBN 0-8028-3876-6. [REVIEW]A. S. McGrade - 2002 - Studies in Christian Ethics 15 (1):152-153.
  33. Response To Respondents: Behold, the Lamb!Oliver O'Donovan - 1998 - Studies in Christian Ethics 11 (2):91-110.
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  34. Paul Ramsey (1913-88).Oliver O'Donovan - 1988 - Studies in Christian Ethics 1 (1):82-90.
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    Persons: The Difference Between 'Someone' and 'Something'.Oliver O'Donovan (ed.) - 2006 - Oxford University Press.
    An examination and defence of the concept of personality, long central to Western moral culture but now increasingly under attack. Robert Spaemann tackles urgent practical questions, such as our treatment of the severely disabled human and the moral status of intelligent non-human animals.
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    Community Repentance?Oliver O'Donovan - 1997 - Transformation: An International Journal of Holistic Mission Studies 14 (4):12-13.
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    Gerechtigkeit und Urteil.Oliver O’Donovan - 1998 - Neue Zeitschrift für Systematicsche Theologie Und Religionsphilosophie 40 (1):1-16.
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    The Professional Politician and the Activist.Oliver O’Donovan - 2020 - Studies in Christian Ethics 33 (2):243-252.
    Luke Bretherton wishes to encourage informal political activity, and asserts a contrast between two complementary and alternative ways of doing politics, formal and informal. But the tendency in his descriptions is to replace formal with informal politics, which is then in danger of being left without responsibility to the structures of political society.
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    The Concept of Publicity.Oliver O'Donovan - 2000 - Studies in Christian Ethics 13 (1):18-32.
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  40. Commentaries: Canonical texts.Oliver O'Donovan - 2023 - In Joeri Schrijvers & Martin Koci, in God and Phenomenology: Thinking with Jean-Yves Lacoste. Eugene, Oregon: Wipf & Stock.
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    Measure for measure: justice in punishment and the sentence of death.Oliver O'Donovan - 1977 - Bramcote: Grove Books.
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    Representation.Oliver O’Donovan - 2016 - Studies in Christian Ethics 29 (2):135-145.
    Representation is an essential element of political authority, together with power and judgment, the latest to be acknowledged in the Christian West, coming to recognition in the Middle Ages with the expectation of a plurality of national identities. Its initial points of reference were theological, to Israel and to the dual office of Christ as priest and king, but in modern developments it has been understood especially in terms of legal forms. Government represents an existing political identity, bound up with (...)
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  43. Die Hände Gottes.Oliver O'Donovan - 2017 - In Hans Günter Ulrich, Gerard Cornelis den Hertog, Stefan Heuser, Marco Hofheinz & Bernd Wannenwetsch, "Sagen, was Sache ist": Versuche explorativer Ethik: Festgabe zu Ehren von Hans G. Ulrich. Leipzig: Evangelische Verlagsanstalt.
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    Principles in the public realm: the dilemma of Christian moral witness.Oliver O'Donovan - 1984 - Oxford [Oxfordshire]: Clarendon Press.
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  45. Judge not" and "judge for yourselves".Oliver O'Donovan - 2017 - In Vivasvan Soni & Thomas Pfau, Judgment and Action: Fragments toward a History. Evanston, Illinois: Northwestern University Press.
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  46. John Finnis On Moral Absolutes.Oliver O'Donovan - 1993 - Studies in Christian Ethics 6 (2):50-66.
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  47. The natural ethic.Oliver O'Donovan - 1983 - In David F. Wright, Essays in evangelical social ethics. Wilton, Conn.: Morehouse-Barlow Co..
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  48. Book Review : Christ, Justice and Peace: towards a theology of the state, by Eberhard Jungel, translated by D. Bruce Hamill and Alan J. Torrance. Edinburgh: T. & T. Clark, 1992. xxix + 93pp. 8.95. [REVIEW]Oliver O'Donovan - 1993 - Studies in Christian Ethics 6 (2):92-94.
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    Book Review: Church of Scotland, Theological Commission on Same-Sex Relationships and the Ministry and Church of England, Report of the House of Bishops Working Group on Human Sexuality (The Pilling Report). [REVIEW]Oliver O’Donovan - 2014 - Studies in Christian Ethics 27 (3):344-350.
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    Edward LeRoy Long Jr. A Survey of Recent Christian Ethics. Pp. 215. (Oxford University Press 1983.) £13.50. [REVIEW]Oliver O'donovan - 1984 - Religious Studies 20 (4):694-695.
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